tunnel vision in retinitis pigmentosa

Retinitis Pigmentosa

Also referred to as RP and rod cone dystrophy, retinitis pigmentosa is a category of genetic eye diseases where the retina is negatively impacted. RP is typically caused by genetic mutations that have been passed down from family members, but it can happen spontaneously without a family history.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Even though retinitis pigmentosa is not a common disorder, it does affect a believed amount of one in every 4,000 people. Because it is a “group” of genetic eye conditions, symptoms can begin at various ages. Some symptoms can extend from experiencing blurriness to side vision loss to difficulties seeing when darker. Proper diagnosis is important as it pertains to necessary treatment. There are several different diagnosis methods, which are electroretinogram (ERG), visual field tests, and genetic testing.

Treatment for RP

It is unfortunate that there are no cures currently available for retinitis pigmentosa. While treatment for retinitis pigmentosa may seem unpromising at this time, there is much research currently being performed such as stem cell research, and drug therapies. Taking certain vitamins, and wearing sunglasses to shield remaining sight can be helpful tips for sufferers of RP.

If you find that you are at risk for retinitis pigmentosa, then you should see an eye care specialist for an accurate diagnosis.