

For your personal safety, as well as the protection of our doctors and staff during this outbreak of Coronavirus, the Fort Lauderdale Retina Institute is strictly conforming with the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) :

We are minimizing the risk of exposure to the virus by taking these proactive, infection-control measures:

– Complying with all universal health precautions and disinfection procedures, including:

1. Deep-cleaning and sanitizing all our offices and equipment daily before or after business hours

2. Cleaning and sanitizing rooms and equipment in-between every patient appointment

3. Practicing frequent staff hand-washing and use of masks, gloves and other protective equipment as necessary to minimize risks to patients, as well as to our doctors, technicians, and office personnel

– Having fewer than 10 employees on-site at any given time, in accordance with CDC guidelines. Staff who are able to do so are working from home.

– Conducting phone screenings in order to reschedule appointments if patients are not feeling well, have an underlying medical condition or are in an age bracket that puts them more at risk of viral exposure.

– Limiting the number of daily patient appointments to reduce congregating in the waiting area and ensure proper social distancing.

– Staff is using face masks, gloves, and cleaning hands between patients.

– All rooms and equipment are thoroughly disinfected after each patient.

– Reminding all patients to use the convenient hand sanitizers we provide.

In addition to measures recommended by the CDC:

We have implemented our own measures to protect our Patients and Staff. Read more:  How we’re protecting our Patients and Staff from COVID-19

Download the “Coronavirus and your Eyes” handout provided by the American Academy of Ophthalmology download here:  Coronavirus and Your Eyes en Espanol, Coronavirus y sus Ojos